
Touch hearts.
Get results.

Unlock the power of short form animation.

At Jötunn, we create handcrafted content that helps change people’s hearts and minds in minutes instead of months. Our clients rave about the results!

Animation is the world’s most versatile medium.

Unlike live action, you have full control in the world of animation. Need a hard-to-find actor? No problem. Need to simplify complexity? Animation was born for it.

Arizona State University

“The film was really great and made for a lot of happy stakeholders… Lovely illustrations, super smooth animations, tight transitions, and great sync with the audio.”

We animate our characters by hand.

Very few studios do this. Ask around. Why do we do it? Because it connects better with audiences, and gets you the results you need. Oh, and because we love it!

Tech, medical, education — we’ve done it all.

And someone on staff has probably won awards in it at some point, too. Whatever your needs, our writers and story artists can help craft and produce the perfect solution for you.

Happy End Clients

We often work through agency resellers whitelabeling our services; some of these clients are their clients (shared with permission); quite a bit of our work and our end clients are not on this site and never will be. But, here’s a few of the amazing brands we’ve been able to work with!